Now that it’s time to put your 529 funds to use, did you know that your college savings can go toward more than just college tuition? A Bright Start college savings account can be used for a wide range of qualified expenses at eligible institutions in Illinois, nationwide, and even some foreign schools.
Qualified expenses are related to enrollment or attendance at an eligible postsecondary school. To be qualified, some of the expenses must be required by the school and some must be incurred by students who are enrolled at least half-time. The full list of qualified expenses includes:
These are expenses for no more than $10,000 of tuition, incurred by a designated beneficiary, in connection with enrollment or attendance at an eligible elementary or secondary school.
If a withdrawal is made for such purposes it may be a federal qualified withdrawal and not be included in income for federal and Illinois purposes, but if an Illinois income tax deduction was previously claimed for contributions to the account, all or part of that deduction may be added back to income for Illinois income tax purposes. Please consult with your tax advisor.
When it comes time to use your 529 plan for qualified expenses, withdrawing funds is simple. Still, you’ll want to be sure to plan ahead when requesting a withdrawal.
Here are the simple steps:
Log in to your online account and request a withdrawal.
Print and mail in a completed Withdrawal Request Form.
If a student receives a refund of qualified education expenses that were treated as paid by a 529 distribution, the student can recontribute these amounts into any 529 for which they are the beneficiary within 60 days after the date of the refund to avoid the need to figure the taxable part of the 529 distribution. This can occur, for example, when a student drops a class or withdraws mid-semester.
American Opportunity Tax Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit
Ready to open your account?
The Bright Start Direct-Sold College Savings Program is sponsored by the State of Illinois and administered by the Illinois State Treasurer, as Trustee. Union Bank and Trust Company serves as Program Manager. Balances in your Bright Start account are not guaranteed or insured by Bright Start, the State of Illinois, the Illinois State Treasurer, any other state or federal agency, Union Bank and Trust Company or any of its affiliates, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (except as provided in the Program Disclosure Statement solely with respect to the FDIC-insured Bank Savings Underlying Investment), or any other entity.
An investor should consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses before investing. This and other important information is contained in the Bright Start Direct-Sold College Savings Program Disclosure Statement, which can be obtained at and should be read carefully before investing. You can lose money by investing in a portfolio. Each of the portfolios involves investment risks, which are described in the Program Disclosure Statement.
Before you invest, consider whether your or the beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors that are only available for investments in that state’s 529 plan.
*Except the Bank Savings Underlying Investment