How you find out if you used the right amount of premium tax credit during the year. To reconcile, you compare two amounts: the premium tax credit you used in advance during the year; and the amount of tax credit you qualify for based on your final income. You’ll use IRS Form 8962 to do this. If you used more premium tax credit than you qualify for, you’ll pay the difference with your federal taxes. If you used less, you’ll get the difference as a credit.
Refer to glossary for more details.
” your premium tax credit, use the information on these pages. Some links may point to IRS information about filing this year’s taxes, so read any IRS pages carefully.
You should’ve already filed your 2022 taxes, but if you haven’t, you should do so immediately. When you file your taxes for the 2022 tax filing year:
If you haven’t filed 2022 taxes, select the type of health coverage you had in 2022 to get next steps: