Report Unprofessional Conduct

Reporting a concern about professionalism and/or bullying

Notify Your Supervisor or Department Head

Contact your HR Business Partner

Reach out directly to the HR Business Partner responsible for your office / work area.

Contact Your Faculty Affairs Resource

Connect with the Faculty Affairs liaison in your Executive Vice President’s (EVP) Office.

File a Discrimination Complaint

Report a discrimination complaint to the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action (IDEAA)

Submit a Bias-related Incident Report

Use the Georgetown Compliance Helpline

File a report through this web-based reporting system or call 888-239-9181 (Ability to provide information anonymously, if desired).

Submit an HR Helpdesk Ticket

Safety Concerns? Immediately Contact:

If it is not an emergency, but you feel that there is a threat or safety concern, call (202) 687-4343 and ask for the Threat Assessment Director or email the Threat Assessment Team at Learn more about the Threat Assessment Program on their website.

37th and O Streets, N.W.