Guide to Writing Residency Letters of Recommendation

Residency LoR Guide

sidency Letters of Recommendation (LoRs) are important. In fact, these supporting documents are ranked #2 by Program Directors when choosing applicants to interview. So, it’s important to have a solid understanding of how to streamline the process and develop the strongest letters possible.

The key factors that define the strength of your LoRs are that they are:

For more details, review Residency Experts’ helpful tips here: Your Complete Residency Letter of Recommendation Guide.

Below, we have provided a template that you might consider providing to your letter writer. Or, use it yourself if you have been tasked with writing your own letter(s). This guide will help authors feel confident about developing the content of the letter. Reviewing the guide can also help you determine which of your letters, or letter writers, are the best.

Guide to Writing Residency Letters of Recommendation


Opening Paragraph

Body Paragraphs